Going Organic
Imagine your garden
Cultivate the Earth and our connection with it
Greet the sun
Feed the soil, let it breathe
Welcome earthworms
Thank busy soil organisms hard at work
Cherish the treasure of stones, bones and broken china
Practice non-aggression
What works in the garden may work in the world one day
Bless the seeds you sow
Observe weather
Welcome the gifts of the seasons
Weed early and often
Leave wild spaces
Feel your whole body
Know the cycles of the moon
Keep a garden journal
Charm fairies
Explore companion planting, flowers and herbs love fruits and veggies
Welcome beneficial insects
Discourage foes
Work in harmony with nature
Don't use chemical herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers
Take pleasure in your garden as a gift to the birds, the bees, and the children
Dance in the fields
Teach and learn
Save seeds
Tell stories
Look at stars
Rotate Crops, rest the Earth
Observe, adapt, enrich, sustain, preserve
Savor the abundance
Share the harvest
Give Thanks to God
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